The Rockingham Fire Department has a variety of equipment to accomplish its many missions. Many of them are very familiar while others are less visible but perform important specialty functions with specialized capabilities.
461-Pierce Pumper Tanker
1250 gallon pump
1000 gallon water tank
462-Pierce Pumper
1250 gallon pump
1000 gallon water tank
463-Gruman Pumper Tanker
1250 gallon pump
1000 gallon water tank
464-American Lafrance Pumper
1250 gallon pump
1000 gallon water tank
Hydraulic Rescue Tools
465-Freightliner Medium Rescue Truck
Light Tower
Mobile Cascade System
Hydraulic Rescue Tools
Rope Rescue Equipment
Confined Space Equipment
467-Simon-Duplex Platform Truck 93ft.
468-International Mobile Command Truck
469-Anchor Richey
Quick Response Rescue Truck
300 Gallon Water
300 Gallon Pump
Hydraulic Rescue Tools
Brush Truck 466
470-Quick Response Truck
471- Chevy Tahoe
Chief’s Vehicle
471 – Chevy Tahoe
472- Chevrolet Truck
Assistant Chief Vehicle
473-Chevy Tahoe
Captain Vehicle
474-Chevrolet Truck
Staff Vehicle
475-Brush truck
200 gallon tank and pump
Rescue One Boat